Data & It's types, Information
Data Storage Approach
Manual Data Storage Approach
Computerized Data Storage Approach
File Based System
Database System
Disadvantages of File based System
Advantages of Database System
Disadvantages of Database System
Database Application
Functions of DBMS
Features of DBMS
Components of Database System
E-R Model
Entity & It's types
Attribute & It's types
Relationship & It's types
Key or Constraint
Unique Key
Not Null Key
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Candidate Key
Alternate Key
Check Constraint
Default Constraint
Relational Database & RDBMS
• A constraint is the restriction imposed on the field of a table.
• It is an identifier used to derive records from a table uniquely.
• Types of constraints:-
I. Unique:-
• When a field is declared with unique constraint, it is known as unique key field.
• It allows a single unique value to enter into a field. That means, it can’t store duplicate value.
• It allows a single blank value.
II. Not null:-
• A not null constraint does not allow NULL value into a field.
• A not null field allows duplicate values.
III. Primary key:-
• A primary key is a key/constraint that can uniquely identify a record from table.
• A primary key is the combination of unique and not null key.
• A primary key field must have unique value and it does not allow any null value.
• Types of primary key:-
There are two types of primary key:-
a. Simple key:-
A single column primary key is called as simple key.
b. Composite key:-
A multi-column primary key is called as composite key.
IV. Foreign key:-
• A foreign key is a constraint used on a child table.
• A foreign key field links two or more tables to ensure data integrity.
• So that, it is also known as referential integrity constraint.
• A foreign key is also a primary key in another table (parent table).
• A foreign key field may allow multiple values in the child table but that value must be present in the primary key of the parent table.
V. Candidate key:-
• A candidate key is a key that is used to identify each record uniquely from a table in the absence of primary key.
VI. Alternate key:-
• In a table there may be more than one candidate key.
• In the absence of primary key, only one of the candidate key can be used as a primary key to identify each record from a table uniquely and rest of the candidate keys are called as alternate key.
VII. Check:-
• A check constraint is a constraint imposed on afield to check the entry value into the field within the specified values.
• For example; mark (check mark between 0 and 100).
VIII. Default:-
• It is a constraint imposed on a field of a table to assign a default value to that field when there is no data entry from the user.
Related Topics:
Data & It's types, Information
Data Storage Approach
Manual Data Storage Approach
Computerized Data Storage Approach
File Based System
Database System
Disadvantages of File based System
Advantages of Database System
Disadvantages of Database System
Database Application
Functions of DBMS
Features of DBMS
Components of Database System
E-R Model
Entity & It's types
Attribute & It's types
Relationship & It's types
Key or Constraint
Unique Key
Not Null Key
Primary Key
Foreign Key
Candidate Key
Alternate Key
Check Constraint
Default Constraint
Relational Database & RDBMS