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•    DHTML stands for Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language.
•    DHTML is not a language.
•    DHTML is a term describing the art of making dynamic webpages.
•    DHTML combines HTML, java script , DOM and CSS.
•    DHTML has been included in web page design in the version HTML 4.

•    HTML 4 has rich support for dynamic content:-
    1.    HTML supports java script.
    2.    HTML supports the document object model(DOM).
    3.    HTML supports HTML events.
    4.    HTML supports cascading style sheets(CSS).
•    DHTML  uses HTML, java script, DOM, CSS to create the dynamic webpages.


Java script:-
•    Java script is the scripting standard for HTML.
•    DHTML is about using java script to control, access and manipulate HTML elements.
•    The HTML DOM is the W3C standard document object model for HTML.
•    The HTML DOM defines a standard set of objects for HTML and a standard way to access and manipulate them.
•    DHTML  is about using the DOM to access and manipulate HTML elements.

HTML events:-
•    The W3C HTML event model is the part of the HTML DOM.
•    It defines a standard way to handle HTML events.
•    DHTML is about creating web pages that reacts to user events.

•    It stands for cascading style sheets.
•    CSS is the W3C standard style and layout model for HTML.
•    CSS allows web developers to control the style and layout of web pages.
•    HTML 4 allows dynamic changes to CSS.
•    DHTML is about use of java script and DOM to change the style and positioning of HTML elements.



        <title> DHTML </title>
        <script language="java">


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